General Information and Guidelines

Please contact the school if your child will be absent. Keep your child home when ill and notify the school at once. There are no deductions for absences for any reason. Parents/Guardians will be called to pick up their child/children who become ill.  Children absent from school with a contagious illness may not return without a signed statement from their physician stating the child/children are no longer contagious.

We celebrate birthdays during snack period. You may send a treat to share with the class.

Each child must have a change of clothing that is appropriate to the season. All articles of clothing must be marked and stored in a Ziploc bag. A weekly supply of diapers and wipes is required for children not potty trained.

Please label everything and send washable clothing. When dressing children please consider the child’s comfort, simple and free from complications.

The child/children will be released only to the person(s) listed on the parent/guardian agreement and MUST HAVE Photo ID.

There will be no school during the week of Christmas and Easter.

Red Balloon will be open for Day Care only.

    Red Balloon will be closed for the following holidays or the day the holiday is observed:

         New Years Eve at 2:00 PM                  New Years Day                  Good Friday                        Memorial Day          Independence Day                  Labor Day           

          Thanksgiving Day and day after                               Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

A full week’s tuition will be charged during these weeks.

Tuition will not be prorated. Each returned check is an additional $25.00.

Parents/guardians are required by law to provide a copy of child/childrens updated immunizations.

Parents/Guardians MUST complete and Sign a Medication Authorization form for us to administer medication. All medications must be in the original container with the label intact and legible. The label must bear the child’s name, dispensing instructions, and doctor’s name in order to be administered by Red Balloon Staff. No substitution of medications with other family member’s names will be administered or permitted. Over the counter meds are to be age/weight appropriate or have a Doctor’s note for us to administer. Oral medications are given at 12:00 PM and 4:00 pm. Please adjust the doses accordingly.


In the event of an emergency, Red Balloon will administer first aid or obtain emergency medical treatment in the child/children’s best interest. Any expenses incurred during such time will be the financial responsibility of the child/children’s parent/guardian.

Parents are required to list their Pediatricians name, address and phone number on their enrollment form.

If you are late for any reason, there is a $10.00 charge for the first five (5) minutes, and $1.00 for each additional minute. If you know you are going to be late, please make the necessary arrangements to have your child/children picked up by an authorized person on your emergency list. If it is necessary for your child/children to be picked up after 6 PM please call the school by 5:50 PM to give us sufficient notice.

Please contact the school if anyone other than the parent will be dropping off or picking up your child/children.  Children will not be dismissed to anyone not authorized on the enrollment form.  Parents must notify the school in writing with any changes. 
Persons authorized must provide proof of ID with photo.

We do not require children to be fully potty trained to attend Red Balloon.

Ultimately it is the parents decision when and how to begin training.

Full day children must have a small sleeping bag & pillow. Please label both.

Day Care expenses are tax deductible. Statements are available in January and upon request.

Children are not to bring personal belongings (i.e. Toys) to the center. Red Balloon is not responsible for any articles brought from home. (Exception: Show and Tell Day)

Tuition payment is due on Mondays by 5:45 PM. If tuition is not paid in a timely manner, a late fee of $10.00 per week will be added to the child’s tuition.

*Tuition rates may increase annually.

Red Balloon has set up a school closing information system to inform parents of our school’s status when foul weather strikes. Parents can tune into Channel 6 Action News Closing Alert System. This information is available on WPVI’s website: This system will continuously broadcast our school closing, delay, and early dismissal.

We also have a mass email system in place. Please make sure we have a current email available.

* Reminder: full tuition is still due.

In the case of withdraw of my child/children; I agree to give Red Balloon two weeks written notice. If this notice is not given, I agree to pay two weeks additional tuition. Vacation cannot be used as a two week withdrawal notice. If there is an outstanding balance when a key FOB is returned, the deposit will be applied to that outstanding balance.


Should the Director determine that my child/children is/are unable to adjust to Red Balloon’s program, the child/children will be withdrawn with one (1) week’s notice. Potentially dangerous or violent behavior by a child or parent will cause immediate withdrawal of the child and will result in the termination of this agreement. This agreement is subject to change with two week notice.

Please ensure information provided on this form is updated when changes occur, such as new phone number, new jobs, new addresses, etc.

© 2025 Red Balloon Nursery School. All right reserved.